
Assassin's Creed: Betrayal?

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KayleeRedfield's avatar

Literature Text

(Rome, Italy. January, 1500)

Natalia sat on one of the ledges of a beam, high on the now taken over Borgia Tower across from the other one. Waiting for Ezio to finish firing up the other one. She sighed when he saw him jump down below into the soft pile of hay on the ground. She stands up and jumps, doing The Leap Of Faith too. She lands on her pile and get's out, shaking off and picking the strands of hay off of her and Ezio doing the same thing. He look's up and see's that it's almost midnight. "We should head back. It is getting very late and we need our rest for the next mission tomorrow." Natalia only nodded and followed him, walking down the cool, quite streets.

(14 minutes later.)

Natalia walk's into her chamber on Timber Island. She pull's down her hood and unlatches her belt, along with her sword and sword holder. She kick's off her boots and decides to stay in her Assassin's ropes, just in case something bad might happen and also kept her hidden blade on. She lay's comfortably on her bed and nuzzles into the pillows, about to fall into a deep sleep. "Tap. Tap. Tap." Natalia open's her eye's and hears the tapping noise again. She then see's a shadow reflecting off the window. She slips on her boot's and pulls up her hood. She walk's slowly towards the window with her hidden blade released, ready to kill whoever it was.

There were a few moment's of silence and the shadow disappeared. Natalia shrugged and guessed it was her mind playing tricks on her. She attracted her hidden blade and was ready to take off her boot's when the window crashed open, sending shards of glass scattering all over the place. Ezio look's up from his desk, when he heard the crashing sound. He grab's his sword and run's down the hall, heading for her room. A shard of glass cut's her right cheek, making the wound deep and bleed down her pale face.

She hit's the ground and fix's a stern glare at the intruder, but she can not see the person's face. She releases her hidden blade and charges at the person. The person moves to the side and use's the side of his hand to hit the back of Natalia's neck. She felt tired and weak all of the sudden, she tried to fight against the urge to pass out, but it useless. She fell to her knee's and mouthed the words "Damn you." Before collapsing on the ground.

Ezio slammed open the door and saw the figure picking up Natalia and throwing her over it's shoulder. "Natalia! Let her go!" He jerked forward and managed to cut the person's arm, making the wound deep and futile, but Ezio was soon greeted with a punch and sharp kick to the head, causing him to stumble backwards and fall. By the time Ezio shook off the dizziness in his head, they were gone. "Merda..." He cursed. He attempted to follow, but he would have no chance to catch up for they were no where in sight when he looked out the window. It seemed like they disappeared out of thin air.

So, in stead he hired the recruit's to search everywhere in Rome to find her. "Report if you see anything suspicious or find her. And stay in pair's of two." And like that, the novices and other Assassin's went out, searching for their fellow comrade. Ezio run's back into his room and gears up again and put's on his Assassin robes. He dashed past villagers and peasant's in the city of Rome, looking desperately for his student/friend.

"Don't worry, Natalia. We'll find you. Just hold out for a bit longer!" He thought as he ran on the rooftops.

(4 hour's later)

Natalia slowly open's her eye's and feel's her arms and legs bounded together. She growled when she noticed that her hidden blade was gone, but then hissed in pain from the deep cut on her cheek. "It's been a long time, my daughter." Natalia stared up in shock and fear as she looked upon the standing in front of her. "Y-You!" She exclaimed. She laid frozen on the ground and she then tired fighting and struggling against her bounds, to the point of hurting herself. "Stop!" He grabbed her arm and slammed her down on the dirt floor.

She groaned in response and looked up with eye. "Just what is it that you want from me...?"She asked, but kept her glare fixed on him. "Natalia, I have returned to save you from the Assassin's. I have heard that Ezio Auditore, the Master Assassin was going to kill you sometime this week." Natalia scoffed and rolled her eye's. "Do you really expect me to believe that, you bastardo! You and the rest of the family chased me out of Verona, because you all were terrified of me." She snarled and her eye's turned red. (She did not know she was immortal until AC Revelation's)

"Release me and I might just consider sparing your life." "My daughter, I had to do what the Borgia told me or I would have be put to death. After you disappeared, I went out and searched for you. I am here now, warning you of what lies ahead. The Assassin's fear you! Unlike me, who spent half of his life, searching for his only daughter and bring you back home!" Natalia doesn't respond to him and thinks for a moment. "Maybe...he did come back for me, but...Ezio would never-"

She was snapped out of her thought's when she felt a hand on her wounded cheek and hissed in pain. She looked up at her father's eye's, reading them to see if he was telling the truth. He looked like he had so much sorrow and sadness in his eye's. "I believe you...but I am also loyal to my Master Ezio. I will not believe he would do such a thing after raising me threw the years and training me." The feather sighed heavily. "That's what he wanted you to think, but now he knows the real you. All he think's about is you beening a monster and enemy to him and his fellow Assassin's.

You will not disobey me, you must honor me, therefore I am your father. I do not care what age you are, your still my daughter. I brought you into this world. Not him! Now, unless you want to die, you will slay Ezio and the Assassin's before they kill you. Do you understand?" Natalia stayed silent and hesitated for a moment, before nodding. "Good." He untied her and she stood up. He handed her the hidden blade that he took off her earlier. She releases and attracts it, seeing if it was still working. "Now, do not waste my effort's looking for you." He turned and opened the door, but stopped and said "Oh, an done more thing." Natalia's look's up at him. "Never trust Assassin's." He walked out, leaving Natalia in the small wooden room. A single tear fall's from her red orbs and onto her blank expressionless face.

"I'm sorry...Master Ezio."

To be continued...  
© 2015 - 2024 KayleeRedfield
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CutLarp's avatar
Father issues are the worst....